Fighting with an insurance company to get what you are entitled to after an accident can seem like an uphill struggle. It is not just about the money: it is about getting your voice heard and being treated with courtesy and respect. Calls left unanswered and correspondence unacknowledged can leave you feeling that you don’t matter.
When you decide to contact a solicitor, you don’t want the same to happen. At Conway Accident Law, our small and knowledgeable team makes sure that you don’t get lost in the system—you will always speak with someone who both cares about and knows your claim. And, if we can’t make it to the phone, we guarantee that we will return your call within 24 hours.
The Conway Accident Law Practice believes in communication and the power of the team. You are at the heart of everything we do. You are our business. We will stand with you against the insurance industry to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve.
Whatever You Need, We're Here to Help
From start to finish, you will benefit from our energy, expertise, and attention to detail with both the legal and practical consequences of your accident. Our 1-Stop System will get you back on the road without delay, and our ‘no win, no fee’ arrangement means you don’t have to worry about funding your claim.
But don’t just take our word for it. With the majority of our business coming through word of mouth referrals, our clients have a lot to say about us too!
We don’t just claim to provide the best service possible, we guarantee it!
Contact Us Today
From our first meeting, getting you the best outcome is our focus. Our experience ensures that we work efficiently and effectively, listening to you and keeping you informed while we get you the right compensation for your claim. To get started, contact us by calling 0800 009 6953 or completing the enquiry form below.